Channel: Dream Meaning

Dream About Having Cancer


Dream About Having Cancer

It is no wonder that in some moments of our life we have dreams of suffering severe diseases such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer, hepatitis. It is a way of our subconscious gives us an alert. We all know the risk […]

Dream Meaning Sloth Interpretation


Dream Meaning Sloth Interpretation

Sloth became a symbol that characterizes those who have lost the will to live. Every animal species has its meaning that you will find in a dream dictionary. For some periods, many people have tried to find a particular answer […]

Birds Dream Meaning Interpretation


Birds Dream Meaning Interpretation

Dreams about birds have a strong semantic in the dream world. Birds have specific symbols, and these can be used to interpret dreams. Dream analysts say that dreaming of birds is related to freedom. If you feel depressed, you can […]

Sun Dream Meaning Interpretation


Sun Dream Meaning Interpretation

It is not strange to dream of watching the sun. On the contrary, it is an element that appears very often in our thoughts. It seems only as a secondary role. It is noteworthy that in certain dreams the sun […]

Witness Dream Meaning Perjury Interpretation


Witness Dream Meaning Perjury Interpretation

False witness is giving false information and violating the law. As you all know, every witness in the judicial process can provide information about some facts they know. Their remarks will help to clarify specific points in a case. As […]

Shellfish Dream Meaning Interpretation


Shellfish Dream Meaning Interpretation

Shellfish are aquatic creatures that live on the seabed. You may have eaten it because it’s very delicious. As you know, various types of oysters are scattered in the ocean, and these creatures have shells. It is one of the […]

Dream Meaning Surgery Interpretation


Dream Meaning Surgery Interpretation

Surgery is a medical procedure because of an illness or something wrong with the body. You may have been a patient in a hospital and undergo a surgical procedure. Surgeons are people who can prevent and cure diseases using surgical […]

Dream Meaning Hanging Up


Dream Meaning Hanging Up

Lots of tragic news about hanging up. It reveals the fact of despair. Apart from that, in ancient times, courts often imposed sanctions for hanging over the present. In this very frightening dream, you need to look at the dream […]

Dream Meaning Measuring Tape

Measuring is determining a size or comparison. You know that people use gauges every day. You might need a ruler to measure, a tailor needs a measuring tape, and everyone uses a measure to count. What is the purpose of the subconscious? The dream dictionary will help you interpret the measuring equipment in your sleep. Dream experts revealed that measurements represent something that drives you vulnerable. You may think others insult your weaknesses. You feel inferior and you want to distance yourself from your environment. The gauges also show you want perfection. You wish to find the right portion and this offers you benefit. A tape measure also shows you want to be important and other people acknowledge you. You might want to be like others with a lot of success in their lives. Measurements in dreams also signify that you compare yourself to others. For that, you must learn to accept yourself. If this information does not satisfy you, there are still several things you need to recognize. It’s because every event in a dream will influence interpretation. Below are meanings of dreams with measuring instruments: What does it mean to dream of measuring? When you measure something in your sleep, this dream shows you will do something important and many people want it. You must be careful, the slightest negligence can make you risk because you have taken a lot of time. Dream measuring also shows an important decision. You might have two choices that make you confused. You must make the right decision to determine your future. When you measure other people, this dream shows you will fall into collapse. You might depend on someone’s good intentions. You don‘t know how to ask yourself. When you measure yourself, this dream shows you will review some of your decisions. You are a person who is not satisfied with your appearance. You have a plan, but you will be imperious and set difficult targets. When you see a measurement or a measuring tape, this dream shows you should accept other people’s suggestions. You must also pay attention to your actions and be careful. When you see a broken tape measure, this dream shows you have a change in mood. This thought can also show you have broken down. However, you should not despair because failure is a natural part. When you see an endless measuring tape, this dream implies […]

Dream Meaning Bracelet Interpretation

Bracelet is a piece of jewelry for wrists or feet. In general, people wear bracelets for certain elegance by highlighting their body parts. What do…

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